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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Journey

while i am very excited about the works the lord has been accomplishing on campus through our faithfulness and availability, i might want to write much on it. However i feel led to to write more on what God has been accomplishing in me, so that i may have a proper perspective towards God and ministry. Therefore i will devote time to and space to write about my ministry on campus but much more time and space to what God is teaching me through his word and experiences. i hope that this will not only give you an occasion to praise the Lord but also to learn with me and write your perspectives and reflections as you interact with my writings.

thanks again for making time to visit my blog page. God bless you.

God's Master Piece

Ever felt self conscious and somewhat not appreciating of yourself?
ever felt as if you are not the best?
this is what i learned on Monday Morning 18th October

God created us for himself, He went into "much thought" as he intricately fashioned us in utter seclusion Ps 139:14-17. so that what he had in mind is exactly what he made and said "it is very good" Gen 1:31 Now he did not need a second opinion.. from who- coz he was not creating for who, he was creating for himself. no wonder he could boldly ask Moses, " who gives a man his mouth? who makes him deaf or dumb, who gives him sight or makes him blind? it is I the Lord.

Therefore he takes pleasure in me, am his masterpiece, an exact product of God's wisdom!! waaoh, and He rejoices in all his creation as well, in all its diversity, for his highest glory. He knew that by each characteristic and trait he put in me , that would bring him the highest glory! and since that is my highest purpose, to pursue his highest glory, then i am fine, very fine indeed.

No one needs give suggestions to God, as to how I or anyone should have been , God does not need any human counsel Ephe 1:11. he only consults his own will...He is God and we better know we are not!!!

So forget about who says what and to who, that does not matter, i am his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which were before ordained that i should walk in them. Ephe 2:10

Praise the Lord

The Beauty of the Grace of God.

Paul* not his real name is in our church bible study. on sunday 17th i had the privilege of training the group on follow-up of new believers. we came across jn 6:37 "all that my Father has given me will come to me and none will i by any means cast away." so during the question and answer time he asked, Does that mean that God influenced my coming to Christ?is it not me who chose to get saved?

Wow, what an amazing question, this really tempted me to go into the depths of God's selection and his Universal Love. however i recall we read vs 43-44 which does not make it any easier. Jesus said, "stop grumbling amongst yourselves, no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him to me."

i dare not dilute the grace of God in his selection of us. Later on Monday as i was meditating on this truth, my heart was overwhelmed with joy as i reflected on the beauty of the grace of God. see the following verses,
Ephe 1:4 even before the world was founded God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ Jesus

1 Jn 4:10 and this is love, not that we love d God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the means by which our sins are forgiven.

Jn 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

this shows that our Salvation was God's initiative.

to make it even more a matter of Grace
Rom 11:6 God's choice is based on his grace, not on what they have done, For if God's choice were based on what people do ,then his grace would not be real grace.
Rom 8:29..those he foreknew he predestined to be conformed to the image of his dear Son...those he predestined he also called and those he called he also justified and those he justified he also glorified.

wow, more and more from Jn 15:16 you did not choose me but i chose you and ordained you that you should go and bear fruit the kind of fruit that will last. the bottom line is, God chose us and drew us to Christ.

let me know, what do you feel on this topic?